IM Free Youth Group
Welcome to the page for the IM Free Youth Ministry.
The current development of our youth ministry is a community effort.
We join with the local fellowships of Glenburn Church and Little Country Church.
We strive to reach all students from the intermountain area and to encourage them to know Jesus and develop a lifelong devotion to Him and His Kingdom.
We love to have fun by playing goofy games and having a great time, and we also love learning about God and the Bible. Some of the big events we've done in the past few years have been:
30 Hour Famine: A great chance to unite as a Youth Group to remember those who go hungry everyday.
Paintball: What better way to say that we love each other?
Concerts: We love to experience music!
BBQ's, Water Balloon fights, lake days, ice skating, movie nights... and much more!
If you would like more information about our youth ministries, please contact the church office at 530-336-5024.